Ledger Nano X Storage Capacity: How Many Coins can Nano X Hold?

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Are you thinking of buying Ledger Nano X? But don't know how many coins can Ledger Nano X hold at a time? Then you landed on a right place.

For your knowledge, Nano X is a next generation hardware wallet offered by The Ledger Company. Ledger Nano X storage capacity is insanely more than its cheaper version Nano S.

Company's latest product Ledger Nano Plus also has good storage capacity; just it lacks wireless connectivity when compared to model X.

Ledger Nano X Storage Capacity is up to 100 coins

What is Ledger Nano X storage capacity?

According to the company, at a time, Ledger Nano X can hold up to 100 coins because of its 1.8MB storage memory. But Ledger Nano X storage capacity is subject to the apps you install in your hardware wallet.

I have a trick for you to install unlimited wallet apps in this cryptocurrency hardware wallet (will discuss in the end).

For your knowledge, Nano X has biggest storage capacity out of its all hardware wallets. Nano X can hold up to 100 coins at the same time including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple and the like along with 5500 plus supported tokens available on different chains like ERC20.

For example, standalone applications like Bitcoin, occupy more space than tokens like ERC20 therefore Ledger Nano X storage capacity varies.

For detailed information, you are referred to this review post.

As discussed above company's latest product Ledger Nano S plus storage capacity is up to 100 coins. 

If you think Ledger Nano X is expensive then you can think of Nano S Plus it has all the features of model X; just it lacks wireless connectivity. 

I strongly suggest you that buy your Ledger hardware wallet from their official website. Here are the official Ledger website links to buy your hardware directly from the manufacturer:

How many coins can Ledger Nano X hold?

What I can say personally Nano X can hold 65-70 coins at a time very easily.

As you can see in above screenshot, taken using Ledger Live app, I have installed 12 wallet apps; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Tron, Stellar, Dogecoin, Cardano ADA, Algo, Atom, and the like, which occupied about 32 percent space out of 1.8MB Ledger Nano X memory size so I reckoned from this that I can install about 70 apps (considering the standalone apps I have installed) in Nano X easily.

How much space is on Ledger Nano X?

Ledger Nano X memory size is 1.8MB which can help you store up to 100 coins at a time.

Again, storage capacity is significantly affected by the apps you install. For example in above screenshot only 12 apps occupied about 32 percent space of the device then how can it install 88 more apps having equal space requirements.

But it can surely install 65-70 apps, in my opinion.

How to install unlimited wallet apps in Ledger Nano X?

So, basically Ledger Nano X storage capacity is up to 100 coins at a time but if you wish you can install more than 100 wallet apps in it by simply uninstalling an existing app.

Yes, for your information, if you would uninstall an app from Nano X then only the app will be removed from your device not the private keys or actual coins. You can reinstall that app any time to access your coins.

I used to be doing this in my Ledger Nano S to store coins more than its capacity. As you might already know Nano S can only store up to 5 coins at a time so to install more apps I used to install any app to store more coins.

You can also read of both Ledger Nano X and S comparison here.
