3 Best XRP Hardware Wallet to Store Ripple Offline

ledger nanoLedger Nano X trezorTrezor Model T
Cold Store Coins | Take Control of Your Assets | Miltary Grade Security

Many crypto investors make a dire mistake in the beginning which would cost them a lot. That mistake is not taking full control on their cryptocurrencies (for your information, you don't really own your coins unless you have their private key). But my friend you landed on this page to know best XRP hardware wallet to store Ripple offline, which means you're no longer a cryptocurrency newbie. You are becoming a pro.

Here for your help, I will be listing 3 best XRP wallets to cold store your coins. And do you know the best part? These wallets will not only let you store Ripple coin but also other coins like BTC, ETH, and the like. These wallets are capable of storing more than one coins simultaneously.

Best wallets to store XRP I am going to introduce to you are trusted by millions worldwide. Personally, I use them too.

XRP hardware wallet is a USB flash drive like device which enables you cold store cryptocurrencies and at the same time helps you send and receive the same without exposing your private keys to the outside world.

best Ripple hardware wallet

3 best Ripple hardware wallet to store XRP offline

Following XRP wallets belong to two pioneer hardware wallet companies: Ledger and SatoshiLabs. You are free to choose any of the mentioned hardware wallets. I have been personally using them for the last 5-6 years and they are too good in every aspect.

Best XRP wallets:

  1. Ledger Nano S Plus: Cost effective solution.
  2. Ledger Nano X: A next generation cryptocurrency XRP wallet.
  3. Trezor Model T: SatoshiLabs' a premium hardware wallet.

Ledger Nano S Plus


  • Price £72, $79 or ₹6500
  • Best affordable Ripple hardware wallet out there.
  • EAL6+ certified security chip.
  • Besides XRP, it can store extra 21 coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, EOS, and the like.
  • Supports 5500 plus coins including ERC20 tokens.
  • Compatible with Windows, MAC, Linux iOS, and Android
  • Very easy to use, just plug and send and receive coins
  • Comes with USB Type-C connector
  • Runs on Ledge's own open source BOLOS operating system
  • Has 2 button and 1 display to confirm the transactions.

  • No battery, requires power from external source
  • Storage capacity is not really 22 coins, it depends upon the apps you install. For example I could install only 8 apps. After that it showed insufficient space error.
Ledger Nano S Plus

Ledger Nano S Plus ratings:

Design: 4.2/5.0
Ease of use: 4.0/5.0
Coins supported: 4.5/5.0
Price: 4.8/5.0
Overall Rating: 4.5/5.0

Nano S Plus is a successor of best selling Ledger Nano S hardware wallets and it has become first choice of crypto investors, be it newbie or professional. Inexpensive, easy to use, EAL 6+ security level military grade secure element chip and up to 100 coins storage capacity make it stand out of the crowd.

If you're looking for a best XRP hardware wallet under certain budget then no other hardware wallet can beat Ledger Nano S Plus. Since introduced, there is not a single person, in record, who claimed his/her coins have been stolen from the wallet.

Nano S was my first hardware wallet and now I am proudly using its successor.

Recommended for: Those who are looking for affordable Ripple hardware wallet.

Ledger Nano X hardware wallet for XRP

Ledger Nano X hardware wallet for XRP


  • Price £159, $175 or ₹14500
  • Strongly recommended XRP cold wallet
  • Elegant design
  • Besides XRP, it can store extra 99 coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, EOS, and the like.
  • Supports 5000+ coins and ERC20 tokens.
  • Powered by 100 mAH battery and also can be powered via external source.
  • Wireless connectivity
  • Compatible with Windows, MAC, Linux iOS, and Android
  • Easy to use
  • Comes with USB Type-C connector
  • Runs on Ledge's own open source BOLOS operating system
  • Has 2 button and 1 display to confirm the transactions.


  • Some experts speculate that Bluetooth connectivity is a matter of concern (but Ledger has rigorously tested it, however it's also true that Bluetooth connection is easily vulnerable. One point to be noted here that without physical access, private keys cannot be compromised. Hence your coins will remain safe).
  • Battery is not replaceable. Ledger Nano X battery life is up to 5 years. After that if it exhausts, you can use external power source to use it.

Ledger Nano X ratings:

Design: 4.5/5.0
Ease of use: 4.5/5.0
Coins supported: 4.5/5.0
Price: 4.0/5.0
Overall Rating: 4.4/5.0

Model X is superior to Nano S in terms of functionality and security, it doesn't mean Ledger Nano S is less secure. It has latest secure chips, wireless connectivity, 100 mAH battery and at the top enhanced storage capacity, up to 100 coins.

Without any second though, it's a best XRP hardware wallet if you can afford it. Its price is double the price of Model S. But it's not overvalued. The price is justified when you see the features it carries.

If you too concerned about its Bluetooth connectivity then you have option not to use it. What I recommend is during initial setup don't use wireless connectivity. Then for sending and receiving coins, you can use it.

I personally like the device, it is very elegant and designed with precision (see how smartly physical buttons are embedded). For that designer really deserves a thumbs up.

You can easily move your coins to Ledger Nano.

Recommended for: Those who use cryptocurrencies for trading, day-to-day transactions and the like. Device is premium and can be carried out while traveling. You can execute transactions on the go.

Trezor Model T

Trezor Model T


  • Price £149, $164 or ₹12300
  • Recommended hardware wallet for Ripple.
  • Elegant design with full touchscreen (240×240)
  • Besides Ripple, it can store many more coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Tron, EOS, and the like.
  • 168 MHz Cortex-M4 ARM processor
  • Supports over 1000 coins including ERC20 tokens.
  • Micro SD card slot
  • Compatible with Windows, MAC, Linux iOS, and Android
  • Easy to use
  • Comes with USB Type-C connector
  • Runs on custom developed system, the Trezor Core


  • No wireless connectivity. (Company has deliberately excluded this to mitigate attacks.
  • A bit expensive and out of the reach of small investors.
  • ul>

Ledger Nano X ratings:

Design: 4.5/5.0
Ease of use: 4.5/5.0
Coins supported: 4.5/5.0
Price: 4.0/5.0
Overall Rating: 4.4/5.0

Many refer it to a mini computer. Trezor Model T is one of the best physical wallets out there. In fact, SatoshiLabs was the first company who introduced world's first cryptocurrency hardware wallet, Trezor One.

Trezor One was universally acclaimed, I couldn't add it to my list because as of now it doesn't support XRP.

But its successor, Trezor Model T, supports XRP along with other 8000+ coins including ERC20 tokens.

Premium support, up to the date features like Touchscreen, huge storage capacity, micro SD card slot, U2F authentication support, passphrase and more make this device a next generation wallet.

Its price is a bit high £149, $164 or ₹12300. Perhaps this is the price you pay to own a next generation Ripple hardware wallet with Bitcoin and other altcoins support.

Should you buy it? Certainly, if you can afford the price.

Note: Trezor Safe 3, another cryptocurrency wallet from SatoshiLabs, is a worth buying hardware wallet, it does support XRP.

Recommended for: Cryptocurrency enthusiasts who love to acquire more and more coins. For frequent trades and transactions, this device is recommended.

These were my XRP hardware wallet recommendations. Rest assured all devices are trusted by millions and any one of them will not let you down and will safe your Ripple with highest level of security.

Wallet combo offer

Ledger family pack can help you save up to 50% (limited time offer) in which you will get pack of three devices: Ledger Nano S Plus.

Why should you buy XRP hardware wallet?

A very simple answer is to secure your coins and take control of their private key. When you leave your coins on a web wallet, you don't actually own your coins. Your web wallet client (or cryptocurrency exchange) takes care of that.

When you do that there are two potential risks. First you exchange may get hacked and you may lose your coins. Some exchanges have insurance policy to cover the loses but coverage will not be 100 percent. Second, in worst case scenario, your exchange may run away with your coins.

Second risk can be overcome by choosing a renowned cryptocurrency exchange but no web wallet is immune from first risk.

Some prominent exchanges voluntarily recommend their customers to move their savings to a hardware wallet.

As of now, there is no substitute of XRP hardware wallet when it comes to safeguarding your coins.

Your hardware will store your private keys in a secure chip or you may say an isolated environment. These are programmed to let users send and receive cryptocurrencies without exposing private keys to the online world.

Hardware wallets are so secure that you can even use them on a compromised computer (no recommended at all but it's worth mentioning).

How much does a Ripple hardware wallet cost?

Not much. World's best selling hardware wallet, Ledger Nano S Plus, is available for just as low as $79 or ₹6500 or £70.

I personally recommend a hardware wallet, if you own cryptocurrencies worth of your 3 months expenses.

Should you consider paper wallet?

Talking about best wallets for XRP, then I must talk about paper wallet; which was the best and safest option in early cryptocurrency days.

For your information, hardware wallet is not the only way to cold store XRP. We should also discuss another prominent way of, paper wallet, of storing coins offline.

You might also be considering Ripple paper wallet to cold store your coins.

There is no doubt paper wallet is a very effective way of storing coins offline. All you need is use a trusted paper wallet generator client. As of now, BitAddress and MyEhterWallet are very trustworthy paper wallet generator for BTC and ETH respectively. But I couldn't find one for XRP.

I don't recommend paper wallet anymore unless your crypto invest is very small.

Apart from that, although paper wallets are free to generate but they are subject to private key sweeping and import charges. They are almost obsolete because of charges and of course security concerns.

Security concerns? Well, you might know that paper wallet generators use a special JavaScript code. Just imagine what if JavaScript is manipulated?

Another concern is your computer should be free from malwares and keyloggers. If your machine is compromised then your private key may also be.

If you have invested very small amount in cryptocurrencies say $100 then buying hardware wallet would not be justified. On the other hand, if you have started systematic investment or your investment means to you then i advice you buy a hardware wallet right now.
